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Cononley Art Group

All artists of all abilities are welcome!


Cononley village rejoices in a flourishing Art Group, established over 20 years ago, by 8 enthusiasts and now comprising approximately 30 members who meet every Monday from 2 - 4 pm in the Village Institute.


It is a very inclusive group welcoming all comers but giving Cononley residents priority in gaining membership. All levels of talent from the nervous beginner to those of assured and more confident ability find encouragement and support in the convivial 2 hour sessions.  During the all-important coffee and biscuit break, members stroll about looking at each other’s work and sharing tips, advice and praise in a very friendly and non-competitive atmosphere.


In May the group has an annual exhibition when all members are encouraged to offer work for display or sale, either framed or simply mounted. Visitors are always impressed at the quality and quantity of exhibits and when refreshment is needed they happily retire to the tearoom where all manner of cakes, savouries and beverages are on offer.


The group has regular workshops and demonstrations as well as trips to important galleries and exhibitions elsewhere. Success can be measured by the consistent attendance and obvious progress made by the member, some of whom have attended since the group's inception.

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